Vision: To be a family of faith becoming transformed in the love of Jesus Christ.
Christian Education at FPC
Learning About Jesus at Every Stage

Nursery (Ages 0-5)
We are currently offering nursery care three Sundays each month except God's Kids Sundays (2nd Sunday of the month). Come learn and play with us!
We are looking for others to join in the fun on a monthly basis to support this wonderfully thriving ministry. Contact Laura Malesich with your interest -- it's easy to get involved & blessings await for all. (; 720-281-1737)
Sunday School
(Ages K-5th)
Sunday school for elementary children is on the first and third Sundays each month, lead by volunteers. Children are encouraged to attend the first part of the adult worship service, then are dismissed to Sunday school immediately following the children’s sermon.
Our Sunday School teachers use the New City Catechism curriculum to teach our youth foundational truths about who God is in an age-appropriate way.
We are looking for others to join in the fun on a monthly basis to support this wonderfully thriving ministry. Contact Laura Malesich with your interest -- it's easy to get involved & blessings await for all. (; 720-281-1737)

To our FPC Parents/Families:
The forms below are part of our overall Child and Youth Protection Policy and allow us to best serve and care for your children.

Middle School Youth
Middle School youth group gathers each Wednesday from 4:00-5:15pm. This is their 3rd year learning from the New City Catechism curriculum.
High School Youth
High School students have the opportunity to participate in our High School Lunch program each Wednesday from 12:00-12:40pm.
Current Small Groups
-Join a Group-
Sunday Morning Small Group: Join us 8:45-9:45am in the Youth room as we read and discuss Confronting Jesus, by Rebecca McLaughlin. A great book for those exploring who Jesus is for the first time or for those who simply want to dive deeper into the heart of our Savior. Our group will run for 9 weeks from September 22 - November 24.
Weekday Evening Group: Stay tuned for upcoming small group opportunities!​
Morning Bible Study: Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00am in the Upper Room (room directly behind the Sanctuary). The books we study change over time. Contact Cindy Coad at (406)660-0474 or for more info.​

New City Catechism
Check out this video to learn more!
Our church continues to utilize a resource called New City Catechism, created to help children and adults alike learn the core beliefs of the Christian faith and their relevance to our everyday life. In addition to it being the core Sunday School curriculum for our youth, we have also used it for various small groups for people of all ages. ​​