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Partnerships: Ministries

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Our partnership with Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ) connects our church community into supportive relationships with local neighbors in need. FPC, along with other churches in Dillon & the surrounding areas, utilizes our facilities for meaningful material ministry items and encourages members to serve within their resources (experience, talents, interests, time) to fulfill where God has called them to impact, influence & invest. FPC's material ministry, called Hearth & Health, offers home cleaning & personal hygiene supplies to locals trying to pay important bills or starting over in our community who have participated in Love INC's intake process. Our intent is to offer a hand-up, not just a handout, meeting material needs while exercising care for the whole person. 


Other church partners sharing in Love INC's GAP ministry network provide food, linens, furniture, & small household appliances as well as volunteers serving as mentors in life-skills, prayer partners & more.  As the Christian community plays a vital role in meeting the needs of many, Love INC will continue to grow in shared ministry opportunities & meaningful connections between those struggling & the local Church.


Highway Clean-Up:  FPC is responsible for a two mile section of Hwy 41 that starts near Subway and goes up past the golf course.  Twice a year a cleanup day is organized, usually after church on Sunday.


Blood Drives: Multiple blood drives are held throughout the year for Vitalant.  Several members of our church help organize and volunteer.


Christmas Swags (Wreaths): On the last Sunday in November members of our church go out on the national forest and cut a few Christmas trees and several truckloads of evergreen limbs and branches.  The following week the limbs are assembled with red bows into beautiful Christmas wreathes that are then sold around the community.  After covering cost of supplies, the remainder of the money raised is donated back to church mission opportunities, including Intermountain Children’s Home in Helena, MT.


One Great Hour of Sharing helps the Presbytery in its efforts toward supporting people suffering from disaster, conflict and severe hardships. Many people, take a “Gracie the Fish” to fill according to a giving calendar.  Others give within their means.  Also at Christmas time, the Joy Offering and Good Samaritan Offering are taken.


The Christmas Joy Offering is taken as an extra offering on the Sunday before Christmas.  The moneys collected from this offering also supports the Presbytery.  This offering is directed toward the Pastor’s Retirement Fund and Ethnic and Racial Education and Leadership.


The Good Samaritan, collected as our Christmas Eve offering, supports First Presbyterian church’s efforts toward Local Missions.  A portion of this offering is given to the Ministerial Alliance to help transients and others who are in need in our community.  The Ministerial Alliance also supports Lunch Bunch. 


Sharing God’s Warmth: Members of our church meet and work on quilts and other garments that are given away locally and to other mission outreach locations statewide. 


Operation Christmas Child is a nationwide effort that collects shoeboxes full of Christmas cheer to be given to children all over the world.


Care Cards: Many young people from our congregation have gone on to college and our church loves providing food gift cards (Subway, Dairy Queen, etc) and a note to them to let them know we are thinking about them and praying for their success.  We usually take a collection in the fall and send out cards in October.



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