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First Presbyterian Church operates through the financial gifts and acts of services of our congregants.


God describes his church as one body with many parts, each serving a unique and necessary purpose. What are you passionate about? In which areas has God gifted you? Please consider serving our church and the greater community with your gifts. Email or call the church office for more information.  


  • Serve as a Sunday School or nursery volunteer  

  • Serve as a Greeter before worship service

  • Serve as a Liturgist (read the scriptures) during the worship service

  • Serve as an accompanist during the worship service (piano, organ, guitar, etc.)

  • Run our PowerPoint presentation and Facebook Live during worship service to help all worship fully

  • Volunteer during one of our service projects

  • Sing in the choir or play the piano

  • Mow the church lawn or help maintain the grounds

  • Knit hats for kids in need

  • Host a Fellowship Hour and help serve the coffee and treats 

Divine Healing
Give: Sacraments

Giving is also available through the GivePlus+ App.

Giving online is made possible through the  


Financial Gifts

At FPC, we believe that giving is an integral act of faith that both reveals and enhances our faith in Christ.

Jesus himself talked a lot about money. Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions. One out of ten verses in the gospels deal directly with the subject of money and in total, the Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, yet more than 2,000 verses on money and possessions.

We encourage believers to give regularly and sacrificially. This type of giving reflects God’s sacrifice for us and increases our faith as we watch God use our gifts to further his kingdom.


Physical Address:

24 S. Pacific St.

Dillon, MT 59725


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 487

Dillon, MT 59725


Office Hours:

Tues/Thurs, 9:30am-12:00pm




Phone: (406) 683-2655



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©2019 by First Presbyterian Church. Proudly created with

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