Vision: To be a family of faith becoming transformed in the love of Jesus Christ.

God's Kids
God's Kids is a youth choir at the First Presbyterian Church in Dillon that seeks to help kids learn to worship the Lord through song. We practice once a week and share our music during worship on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Our singers range in age from 5-12, but any age is welcome. We take a break over the summer months, but return each fall. Along with singing in church, our kids serve as greeters and candle lighters for our service. Most recently, some of the bravest have read scriptures and prayers during worship time. Those interested in joining God's Kids can reach out to the church office at 406-683-2655.
Chancel Choir
The Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir has a long and proud heritage. Now under the direction of Laurie Hagenbarth, anyone of high school age or older is invited to join us. Our common interest is in presenting music that is meaningful to the congregation in worship and also musically rewarding and sometimes challenging to our members.
The choir season runs from sometime in October through the middle of May. We rehearse every Sunday at 8:30 a.m., and typically sing the first and third Sundays of the month. Our repertoire includes traditional and classical standards, some contemporary church music and Spirituals in SATB voicing. Anyone interested in joining us is encouraged to call the church office. We welcome all who wish to sing to worship our Lord.

Piano/Organ Accompaniment
Please contact the church office to learn about how to be involved as a pianist or organ accompanist.